IMD Program Learning Objectives









本プログラムは、building organizaiton-wide business acumenを通じて、General managementとしての素養を高めることを目指しており、会社に相談し、会社で本プログラムに派遣する制度はないことから、有給で自費なら参加しても良い、 ということで働きながら通えるので、EMBAを見据えてはいるが、まずは最初のモジュールに参加することで、私の求めている内容とのマッチ度合い、相性を見極めたい。また、









Program Learning Objectives

To get the most from your program, it is essential to determine at this stage what you are aiming to achieve. What are your objectives? How will you know that you have attained them? What are your measuring sticks?

Your objectives should be:

·        Precise: "I want to be better at pricing"is not sufficient. It would be better to say, for example, "By the end of this program I will have understood key approaches to achieving a robust pricing strategy and will have identified 3-4 actions to implement in my work and my team's approach to pricing by December 2018"

·        Measurable: Precise objectives need to be measurable. "By the end of this program, I will have discussed and received feedback on my strategic pricing action plan from my line manager"

·        Relevant: Your learning objectives should be relevant to the content material you will be covering over the next five weeks. Even if they are both precise and measurable, if they do not relate to what is on the curriculum, there is no point in setting them as your objectives.

Formulate your learning objectives with an “action-oriented” verb (i.e. think about what you wish to achieve in terms of what you want to “know,” “comprehend,” “apply,” “analyse,” “synthesize,” “evaluate,” etc.).

Please state at least one learning objective for attending this program.

*Program Learning Objective Description
