October 4, 2023

今回Harvard Business Schoolの面接には呼ばれなかったが、世界最高峰とされる大学院の一つを目指すにあたり、出願書類を準備する過程で今までのキャリアや人生の棚卸しをし、今の自分だと実力と実績のギャップがあることに気づき、仕事への姿勢、日々の習慣の見直し、と具体的な改善活動に繋げられている点は一つの収穫





I’m sorry we are unable to offer you a place in the MBA Class of 2026.

Every year we receive roughly ten applications for every available spot in the class. While we are pleased that so many talented people want to be students here, the numbers make for very difficult decisions. As we build a class of students with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, we must turn away many qualified candidates.

Thank you very much for your interest in Harvard Business School; we wish you success and happiness as you go forward.


Sarah Lucas
Director of Evaluation
MBA Admissions

Harvard Business School is providing information on this website concerning the admission status of its applicants solely for their convenience. If there is any discrepancy between the information posted on this website and the records of the MBA Admissions Office, the MBA Admissions Office's records will control.
