
Wiener Hofburg - Orchesterを予約し、週末Viennaに行くことにした(片道4時間)が、ドレスコードが気になったので、調べてみると以下の通りだった。

事前に調べたお陰でstreet wearで門前払いになることは防げた




Is there a dress code?

Most people consider our classical concerts special events, and tend to dress for the occasion - in suits and ties, or nice dresses or pantsuits. For the regular concerts, there is no strict dress code except for no street or training wear.

For the gala events on Christmas and New Year, informal dress is required and formal dress is recommended.

Music of Vienna - dress code for your concert visit

  Source; https://www.musicofvienna.com/help-concert.htm#F3